Monday, October 27, 2008


Something pretty cool happened over the weekend. Novel Designs got its ten thousandth hit.
While this is a mere fraction of what moderately better known blogs pull in on a slow day (it took us about 8 months), it’s gratifying to know that the CAP and ASP posts reach a small consistent audience. We know who you are and appreciate the attention.
Since March, Novel Designs has spawned a published interview with our favorite artist, a healthy online photo gallery (and from it a published photograph), a regular mix tape, a kickass pennant and a myriad of ideas that are on the verge of being realized (podcasts, custom wayfarers, a cruise ship vacation package giveaway...)
So thanks for taking the time, adding ND to your google reader and recommending it to your friends.
We’re gonna keep posting so please keep reading.

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