Saturday, March 14, 2009

this taught me a lesson, but I'm not quite sure what it is

i'm jealous of everyone who saw mcenroe live during the "early angry young man" days. what a legend. some examples and killer quotes from the man.

“Do you have any problems, other than that you're unemployed, a moron, and a dork?”

“I'll let the racket do the talking.”

“You are the pits of the world! Vultures! Trash!”

(do i hear the beginnings of a slow clap at the end of this one?)

“We should be trying anything and everything, like all sports are doing, ... It's amazing to me how little has changed in tennis. This big innovation is having a blue court. That's a major change in our sport? That is like putting a Band-Aid on something".

“That, ... is going to require some deep thought.”

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