Friday, November 14, 2008

just listen

almost nine years ago i visited the once great (now folded into and watched a popular short film of the day called "black people hate me and they hate my glasses." i then watched it again. and again. and again...and then i sort of forgot about it. a few times in the almost decade that's passed i've sporadically revisited it. watching it again today i just marvel at how it stands the test of time.

the writing is hysterical and impressively walks a fine line given the subject matter. the narrator, andrew gurland, channels woody allen and david cross. the hyperkinetic cinematography from anthony hardwick (who has gone on to shoot borat and my own company's religulous) heightens the comic timing and absurdist premise while capturing a quintessential new york. the music is spot on and the editing is stellar (the director Sal Levin is now a professional). it was even ep'd by three of hollywood's biggest managers, the three principals of benderspink (this must have been very early days for them).

most of all though, the short is just really really fun. from the quickfire banter and the metacinematic presentation of the sound guy to the amateurish acting, the whole endeavor sings of film school guys messing around, putting real effort into a whimsical idea (consider the number of locations, size of cast etc) and committing full on to something they found funny.

this is an inspiration every time i watch it:


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